book cover design for siobhan dunleavy

My first book cover design!

Niall from BookHob Publishing asked if I would create the image for Shiobán Dunleavy’s book: "Accepting and Connecting with Muscular Dystrophy-How Spirituality Empowered Me to Strive When Faced with Adversity". I was so excited and also thrilled at the brief, the image absolutely embodies everything I love to create and I couldn’t wait to get started.

I created the image over a few days and Siobhán was absolutely delighted with the outcome.

She had experienced a vision of the image while taking part in a Cacao Ritual Ceremony with Helen Gibson from Authentic Discovery.

When I saw the first visual of the book cover prior to print I was so emotional, to see my dream come to life is something I am so thankful for everyday.

The day the book arrived in the post was just incredible!

To be able to hold it in my hands was just so thrilling! I hadn’t known too much about Siobhán’s story prior to the book arriving at my door and so I began reading it immediately. Siobhán is an incredible young woman who is an inspiration to us all. Siobhán was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy at the age of 21, this diagnosis had a massive impact on her overall well-being but, just as she thought her life was falling apart, it turned out it was actually falling into place.

I highly recommend reading her story and her book can be purchased through Book Hub Publishing.

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